Complaints Procedure

In recognition of its shared responsibility in facilitating sustainable economic development, Takura has committed to adopting responsible investment practices. Takura expects high standards from the companies in which it invests. These standards are detailed in Takura’s Code of Responsible Investing (the “Code”). All Takura portfolio companies are required to undertake to operate their business in line with the Code.

If you have evidence of, or believe that you have been negatively affected by a breach of Takura’s Code, please tell us. Broadly speaking, the Code covers management of environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) issues by a company in which Takura’s capital is invested, or by Takura. Anti-bribery and corruption measures are included in the Code, and we welcome the reporting of any suspicions of money laundering, bribery, corruption, or other financial malpractices.

Concerns should be flagged to us via our email ([email protected]), and will be treated confidentially, if this is requested. We will promptly investigate your complaint and, if deemed eligible, we will seek a solution that addresses the complaint as quickly as possible.

Who can make a complaint?

Complaints can be submitted by an individual, or a group, directly and materially affected, or potentially directly and materially affected, by:

  • The operations of a company in which Takura’s capital is invested; or
  • The operations of Takura Capital itself.

Complaints can also be submitted by:

  • An individual, or group, authorised to act on behalf of the complainant(s); or
  • Individuals, or registered non-governmental organisations (“NGOs”), with evidence of an apparent breach of Takura’s Code, or specific expertise in the topic to which the complaint refers. This may be particularly relevant in the case of environmental issues where the impact may primarily be on biodiversity, rather than on people.


Takura understands and respects requests for confidentiality and will make every effort to protect the identity of those who have requested that their details remain confidential. However, Takura may face a legal obligation to disclose the details of a complaint. If you wish your identity, or any other information you are providing to us, to remain confidential, please state this clearly in your communications with us. Unfortunately, Takura is unable to accept anonymous complaints as it would prevent us from adequately following up on an issue, or obtaining the necessary information to pursue our investigations.

Please click on the link below to access details on Takura’s full complaints procedure, including:

  • Which types of complaints will not be accepted;
  • What you can expect from Takura during the handling of a complaint;
  • How complaints can be lodged with Takura; and
  • What details should be included in a complaint.